AMI 12055 - Locally based Agent

Caterpillars in Portugal

Written on Friday 10 February 2023

It’s coming to that time of year when processionary caterpillars are commonly seen in Portugal. The lines they form can be quite striking, but take caution with these eye-catching insects! If touched, the bristles on their body can cause skin irritation, eye inflammation, and difficulty breathing in both humans and dogs.


Here are some points worth keeping in mind and sharing with others, especially for newcomers to Portugal who may not have happened upon them before.


* These grey/brown caterpillars are known for their tendency to form long chains or "processions" while moving.

* They build silk thread nests in pine trees and oak trees.

* You can expect to see the caterpillars between March - May.

The hairs on the caterpillars' bodies can cause adverse reactions. Pets may lick the caterpillars, which can be hazardous.

Here are some safety tips:

* Avoid direct contact with the caterpillars and their nests.

* Keep pets and children away from the caterpillars. If a pet does come into contact with the caterpillars, rinse them off immediately with plenty of water and seek a vet if needed.

* Seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms after coming into contact.

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